Our Whole Story


The diagram shows a graphical representation of how our story begins from the time when there was nothing Except Allah subhana wataala. Then we were created into world of spirits and we accepted the responsibility of freewill and sent to this world for a trial. After death the period of Barzakh or life of grave will start until the day of judgement. On the judgement day which is equivalent to 50 thousands years of this world, the purified souls will go to heavens and others will go to hell.
In order to achieve success in this world and hereafter below are list of tasks to be performed daily.   Please scroll down. 



1) Daily Prayers

Daily 5 Prayers are obligatory. Which mean if we miss any prayer we have to offer its kaza in our lifetime to avoid punishment in the hereafter. Not praying is considered as major sin and bring too much darkness spiritually.

There are 10 levels of spiritual prayers, the very first level is remember Allah in each posture of prayer. Like remember Allah is with me, seeing me and hearing me in Qayam, Sajda and all other postures.


2) Morning and Evening Azkars

Masnoon azkars are a Collection of Quranic ayat and supplications from the hadees to be recited after morning prayer (Fajar) and Evening prayer (Maghreb) to get protection from worldly problems and to get help in our daily life. The PDF files can be downloaded from the download section.  



3) Remembrance of Allah - Zikr

Daily 20 minutes remembrance of Allah Subhana Wataala. La-ilaha illalla zikr to have strong connection with Allah azzawajal. The method to do zikr is mentioned in above picture. If needed the audio to listen and follow can be found in the download section.


4) Meditation - Muraqba

Deep Thinking - Focus - Ascension - Muraqba - Different names. This is a method to be in the presence of Allah Azzawajal. Muraqba Dua is very powerful and very effective method to strengthen our relation with our Creator. The method can be practiced by playing videos from group facebook or youtube pages



5) Assigned Sheets - App

Filling the daily assigned sheets or using the prophetic path website or mobile application to track progress. for example 

Ikhlas Sheet - Sincerity: The level one is to make intention before starting every tasks that this is for pleasure of Allah Azzawajal. 

Tongue Sheet: Avoid using tongue for any bad words, lying, back biting etc. the detail of sins are mentioned in 7 organs Sheets.


7 Body Organs

The purification course will help seeker to stop sins from all 7 body parts. The above pictures shows the sins of the 7 body parts. 


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Grinning face   Grinning Face with Smiling Eyes   Face with Tears of Joy   Smiling Face with Open Mouth   Smiling Face with Open Mouth and Smiling Eyes   Smiling Face with Open Mouth and Cold Sweat   Smiling Face with Open Mouth and Tightly-Closed Eyes   Winking Face   Smiling Face with Smiling Eyes   Face Savouring Delicious Food   Smiling Face with Sunglasses   Smiling Face with Heart-Shaped Eyes   Face Throwing a Kiss   Kissing Face   Kissing Face with Smiling Eyes   Kissing Face with Closed Eyes   White Smiling Face   Slightly Smiling Face   Neutral Face   Expressionless Face   Face Without Mouth   Smirking Face   Persevering Face   Disappointed but Relieved Face   Face with Open Mouth   Hushed Face   Sleepy Face   Tired Face   Sleeping Face   Relieved Face   Face with Stuck-out Tongue   Face with Stuck-out Tongue and Winking Eye   Face with Stuck-out Tongue and Tightly-Closed Eyes   Unamused Face   Face with Cold Sweat   Face with Cold Sweat   Pensive Face   Confused Face   Astonished Face   Confounded Face   Disappointed Face   Worried Face   Face with Look of Triumph   Crying Face   Loudly Crying Face   Frowning Face with Open Mouth   Anguished Face   Fearful Face   Weary Face   Grimacing Face   Face with Open Mouth and Cold Sweat   Face Screaming in Fear   Flushed Face   Dizzy Face   Pouting Face   Angry Face   Face with Medical Mask   Smiling Face with Halo   Smiling Face with Horns   Imp   Japanese Ogre   Japanese Goblin   Skull   Ghost   Extraterrestrial Alien   Alien Monster   Pile of Poo   Smiling Cat Face with Open Mouth   Grinning Cat Face with Smiling Eyes   Cat Face with Tears of Joy   Smiling Cat Face with Heart-Shaped Eyes   Cat Face with Wry Smile   Kissing Cat Face with Closed Eyes   Weary Cat Face   Crying Cat Face   Pouting Cat Face   See-No-Evil Monkey   Hear-No-Evil Monkey   Speak-No-Evil Monkey   Baby   Boy   Girl   Man   Woman   Older Man   Older Woman   Police Officer    Guardsman    Construction Worker   Princess   Man with Turban   Man with Gua Pi Mao   Person with Blond Hair   Bride with Veil   Baby Angel   Father Christmas   Person with Pouting Face   Face with No Good Gesture   Face with Ok Gesture   Information Desk Person   Happy Person Raising One Hand   Person Bowing Deeply   Face Massage   Haircut   Pedestrian   Runner   Dancer   Woman with Bunny Ears   Bath   Bust in Silhouette   Busts in Silhouette   Horse Racing    Snowboarder    Surfer    Rowboat    Swimmer    Bicyclist   Mountain Bicyclist    Man and Woman Holding Hands   Two Men Holding Hands   Two Women Holding Hands   Kiss   Man Kiss Man   Woman Kiss Woman   Couple with Heart   Man Heart Man   Woman Heart Woman   Family   Man Woman Boy   Man Woman Girl   Man Woman Girl Boy   Man Woman Boy Boy   Man Woman Girl Girl   Man Man Boy   Man Man Girl   Man Man Girl Boy   Man Man Boy Boy   Woman Woman Boy   Woman Woman Girl   Woman Woman Girl Boy   Woman Woman Girl Girl   Flexed Biceps   White Left Pointing Backhand Index   White Right Pointing Backhand Index   White Up Pointing Backhand Index   White Down Pointing Backhand Index   Victory Hand   Raised Hand   Ok Hand Sign   Thumbs Up Sign   Thumbs Down Sign   Raised Fist   Fisted Hand Sign   Waving Hand Sign   Clapping Hands Sign   Open Hands Sign   Person Raising Both Hands in Celebration   Person with Folded Hands   Nail Polish   Ear   Nose   Footprints   Eyes   Tongue   Mouth   Kiss Mark   Heart with Arrow   Heavy Black Heart   Heavy Black Heart   Broken Heart   Two Hearts   Sparkling Hearts   Growing Hearts   Blue Heart   Green Heart   Yellow Heart   Purple Heart   Heart with Ribbon   Revolving Hearts   Heart Decoration   Love Letter   Sleeping Symbol   Anger Symbol   Bomb   Collision Symbol   Splashing Sweat Symbol   Dash Symbol   Dizzy Symbol   Dizzy Symbol   Speech Balloon   Thought Balloon   Eyeglasses   Necktie   T-Shirt   Jeans   Dress   Kimono   Bikini   Womans Clothes   Purse   Handbag   Pouch   School Satchel   Mans Shoe   Athletic Shoe   High-Heeled Shoe   Womans Sandal   Womans Boots   Crown   Womans Hat   Top Hat   Graduation Cap   Lipstick   Ring   Gem Stone   

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Automated Teller Machine   Put Litter in Its Place Symbol   Potable Water Symbol   Wheelchair Symbol   Mens Symbol   Womens Symbol   Restroom   Baby Symbol   Water Closet   Passport Control   Customs   Baggage Claim   Left Luggage   Warning Sign   Children Crossing   No Entry   No Entry Sign   No Bicycles   No Smoking Symbol   Do Not Litter Symbol   Non-Potable Water Symbol   No Pedestrians   No Mobile Phones   No One Under Eighteen Symbol   Upwards Black Arrow   North East Arrow   Black Rightwards Arrow   South East Arrow   Downwards Black Arrow   South West Arrow   Leftwards Black Arrow   North West Arrow   Up Down Arrow   Left Right Arrow   Leftwards Arrow with Hook   Rightwards Arrow with Hook   Arrow Pointing Rightwards Then Curving Upwards   Arrow Pointing Rightwards Then Curving Downwards   Clockwise Downwards and Upwards Open Circle Arrows   Anticlockwise Downwards and Upwards Open Circle Arrows   Back with Leftwards Arrow Above   End with Leftwards Arrow Above   On with Exclamation Mark with Left Right Arrow Above   Soon with Rightwards Arrow Above   Top with Upwards Arrow Above   Six Pointed Star with Middle Dot   Aries   Taurus   Gemini   Cancer   Leo   Virgo   Libra   Scorpius   Sagittarius   Capricorn   Aquarius   Pisces   Ophiuchus   Twisted Rightwards Arrows   Clockwise Rightwards and Leftwards Open Circle Arrows   Clockwise Rightwards and Leftwards Open Circle Arrows with Circled One Overlay   Black Right-Pointing Triangle   Black Right-Pointing Double Triangle   Black Left-Pointing Triangle   Black Left-Pointing Double Triangle   Up-Pointing Small Red Triangle   Black Up-Pointing Double Triangle   Down-Pointing Small Red Triangle   Black Down-Pointing Double Triangle   Cinema   Low Brightness Symbol   High Brightness Symbol   Antenna with Bars   Vibration Mode   Mobile Phone off   Black Universal Recycling Symbol   Trident Emblem   Name Badge   Japanese Symbol for Beginner   Heavy Large Circle   White Heavy Check Mark   Ballot Box with Check   Heavy Check Mark   Heavy Multiplication X   Cross Mark   Negative Squared Cross Mark   Heavy Plus Sign   Heavy Minus Sign   Heavy Division Sign   Curly Loop   Double Curly Loop   Part Alternation Mark   Eight Spoked Asterisk   Eight Pointed Black Star   Sparkle   Double Exclamation Mark   Exclamation Question Mark   Black Question Mark Ornament   White Question Mark Ornament   White Exclamation Mark Ornament   Heavy Exclamation Mark Symbol   Wavy Dash   Trade Mark Sign   Keycap Ten   Hundred Points Symbol   Input Symbol for Latin Capital Letters   Input Symbol for Latin Small Letters   Input Symbol for Numbers   Input Symbol for Symbols   Input Symbol for Latin Letters   Negative Squared Latin Capital Letter a   Negative Squared Ab   Negative Squared Latin Capital Letter B   Squared Cl   Squared Cool   Squared Free   Information Source   Squared Id   Circled Latin Capital Letter M   Squared New   Squared Ng   Negative Squared Latin Capital Letter O   Squared Ok   Negative Squared Latin Capital Letter P   Squared Sos   Squared Up with Exclamation Mark   Squared Vs   Squared Katakana Koko   Squared Katakana Sa   Squared Cjk Unified Ideograph-6708   Squared Cjk Unified Ideograph-6709   Squared Cjk Unified Ideograph-6307   Circled Ideograph Advantage   Squared Cjk Unified Ideograph-5272   Squared Cjk Unified Ideograph-7121   Squared Cjk Unified Ideograph-7981   Circled Ideograph Accept   Squared Cjk Unified Ideograph-7533   Squared Cjk Unified Ideograph-5408   Squared Cjk Unified Ideograph-7a7a   Circled Ideograph Congratulation   Circled Ideograph Secret   Squared Cjk Unified Ideograph-55b6   Squared Cjk Unified Ideograph-6e80   Black Small Square   White Small Square   White Medium Square   Black Medium Square   White Medium Small Square   Black Medium Small Square   Black Large Square   White Large Square   Large Orange Diamond   Large Blue Diamond   Small Orange Diamond   Small Blue Diamond   Up-Pointing Red Triangle   Down-Pointing Red Triangle   Diamond Shape with a Dot Inside   Radio Button   Black Square Button   White Square Button   Medium White Circle   Medium Black Circle   Large Red Circle   Large Blue Circle   

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